Articole în presă

Mesajul Ministrului Sănătății și Populației al Republicii Arabe a Egiptului – Prof. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar

Congresul Centenar al I.N.R.M.F.B.

Articol în presa din Republica Arabă Egipt

„The Health Regulation” participates in the 18th International Conference of the National Institute for Recovery in Romania
Samaa El Minyawi Wednesday, May 1, 2024 12:20 PM

Dr. Ahmed Taha, President of the General Authority for Accreditation and Health Regulation, confirmed that the state has begun to reap the achievements of previous years with the aim of enhancing the Egyptian health sector in accordance with the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the New Republic’s strategy to provide comprehensive healthcare at international quality levels, contributing to attracting global attention and gaining the confidence of the international community in the Egyptian healthcare system, especially with internationally accredited national standards ensuring the quality and safety of healthcare services, in addition to opening multiple avenues to strengthen relations with reputable countries and experts in the healthcare field.

This came in light of the participation of the General Authority for Accreditation and Health Regulation in the activities of the 18th International Conference of the National Institute for Recovery, Physical Therapy, and Climatology in Romania, with the presence of 700 specialists and experts from Romania and many European and foreign countries. A video was presented about medical and therapeutic tourism in Egypt, and the accreditation standards of healthcare facilities to provide services to international patients according to internationally agreed-upon standards, and how GAHAR ensures safe medical tourism.

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